

Trail of Terror Build Day!

  • 08 Aug 2018
  • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 11850 Camden Road

Hello again everyone!
We will be starting build of the Trail of Terror at Paintball Adventures.We will be back out at Paintball Adventures August 1st, 8th, and 15th with additional days to be announced!

It is recommended to wear covering clothing, closed toed shoes, and to bring water. We will have bug spray and sunscreen for anyone who needs it.

Helpful items to bring: flashlights, hammers, drills, saws, rakes, shovels, and branch cutters.

Please feel free to come out. Any questions? Email
We are a 100% volunteer organization.

Getting Involved. Being Connected. Having Influence.

Address: PO Box 10817 | Jacksonville, Florida 32247


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